What does date night mean to you? Is it a grabbed couple of moments because the children are asleep? Is it a cuddle, kiss and a cup of tea from the person you love? Is it an indulgent bath, candles, good food and a glass of wine? The connection between man and woman during all of these intimate moments is beautiful.
A rainy, damp day could be perceived as a gloomy day. However, the smell and sound of the rain with its ability to enrich nature is in fact beautiful.
A smile from a stranger might be overlooked as nothing of significance but it can actually change your outlook on the whole day.
Your baby’s laugh can lift your mood. Their quizzical expression as they attempt to reach out for something new is a thing of beauty.
A toddler questioning their surroundings can bring joy to your heart.
Watching your own parents and witnessing their love is beautiful.
The simplicity of nature, life and birth is beautiful.
We can all choose to breathe in the wonder of our beautiful world. By shifting our perspectives, we can make the decision to see the beauty all around us.
There is plenty of beauty in birth. This beauty is not merely limited to an aesthetically pleasing sight. Of course birth can ‘look’ beautiful but there is a much deeper meaning to be discovered. Women reveal their inner goddess during labour; they possess strength like never before. They have a role to fulfil. Their body releases their precious baby and they make the transition into motherhood. Whatever way they birth, the very fact they are becoming a mother is a beautiful feature of nature.
The love demonstrated by partners during labour is awe-inspiring. It can be witnessed in even the simplest of handholds or in the offering of water. It’s visible in their respect of the mother’s wishes in spite of their own. A partner who massages a woman through a lengthy labour creates a beautiful scene BUT the man who stands back and respects his loved ones desire for space in labour is also demonstrating a beautiful connection.
Pregnancy, labour and birth are a masterpiece of nature.
The moment you meet your baby for the first time is beautiful. It is a magical moment that occurs only once. It can never be repeated. It is so important to focus on the miracle of nature and the positivity of the experience. The feeling of a newborn baby’s skin, the weight in your arms, their unique scent is all completely amazing. The very fact that a baby is conceived, develops and grows over so many months is entirely mind blowing.
Pregnancy and birth are such an honour.
We all have a choice to see the beauty around us.
What was beautiful about your birth? Babies in Waiting would love to hear about it. Tell us your story, info@babiesinwaiting.co.uk
‘Birth is an experience that demonstrates that life is not merely function and utility but a form of beauty’ Christopher Largen